Lest we Forget

Graven Stichting


Article 2 of the deed of formation states the following about the purpose:

1. The purpose of the foundation is:
a. Stimulating and drawing attention to the adoption of graves in the allied cemeteries in Eindhoven, as well as maintaining, updating and keeping a thereto connected adoption register;
b. Stimulating civilian, government and private institutions to remember the fallen and the liberators buried in the allied cemeteries in Eindhoven, both now and in the future;
c. Taking all action that is directly or indirectly connected to the aforementioned, or that promotes that purpose, all in the broadest sense of the word.
2. The foundation tries to achieve its purpose among others by using all appropriate means, such as for example organizing events.
3. The foundation does not have the purpose to make a profit.


Article 3 of the deed of incorporation of the foundation stipulates the following about the capital of the foundation:

1. The capital of foundation shall consist of:
– Grants, adoptions and donations;
– Gifts, testamentary dispositions and bequests;
– All other acquisitions and benefits.
2. Neither a natural person nor a legal entity can dispose of the capital of the foundation as if this was his or her private assets.

Executive Board

The executive board of the foundation is:
– dhr. dr. ir. I. Baijens, chairman
– dhr. P.P.F.M. Kemp AA, treasurer
– dhr. F.W. van Dijk, secretary
The members of the executive board do not receive a salary.

ANBI Status

The foundation has been certified as a public benefit institution (ANBI) by the tax authorities, the RSIN number is: 854358195.

Download here the Foundation’s annual reports. (in Dutch)
Download hier het jaarbericht 2015 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2016 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2017 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2018 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2019 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2020 van de stichting.
Download hier Standaardformulier ANBI 2020 van de stichting.
Download hier het jaarbericht 2021 van de stichting.
Download hier Standaardformulier ANBI 2021 van de stichting.